Netflix’s new animated series, Mulligan, offers a satirical take on a post-apocalyptic world where an unlikely hero becomes the President of the United States. The show follows the questionable administration of Matty Mulligan and the challenges he faces in fulfilling his promises to the public. While the premise of the series is intriguing, it falls short in delivering the expected comedic punch. In this article, we will delve into the plot, characters, and overall reception of Mulligan.
The Plot
The story of Mulligan revolves around Matty Mulligan, a baseball enthusiast who unexpectedly becomes the President of the United States after successfully defeating an alien invasion. Despite his heroic act, Mulligan proves to be an incompetent leader, struggling to keep his word and navigate the complexities of politics. Supported by a diverse group of experts from the remaining human population, Mulligan attempts to fulfill his promises to the public while dealing with the manipulative schemes of Senator Cartwright LaMarr, his self-appointed Vice President.
The Characters
Matty Mulligan
Matty Mulligan is the central character of the series, portrayed as a hero who stumbles into the presidency. Initially, Mulligan is thrilled about his newfound role and the opportunity to be with Miss America, Lucy Suwan. However, as the series progresses, Lucy begins to question Mulligan’s ability to think beyond himself and his shortcomings as a leader.
Lucy Suwan
Lucy Suwan, the winner of Miss America, is chosen by Mulligan to be the First Lady. While initially excited about the prospect of playing an active role in fixing the world, Lucy becomes uncertain about her engagement to Mulligan as she realizes his self-centered nature.
Senator Cartwright LaMarr
Senator Cartwright LaMarr is the manipulative Vice President who sees Mulligan as the perfect candidate to further his own agenda. LaMarr aims to bring back the old days of America when environmental concerns were ignored, and drilling for oil was the norm. Throughout the series, he executes various plans to achieve his mission.
Supporting Characters
Mulligan features a range of diverse characters, including Dr. Farrah Braun, a scientist working on generating clean tap water; Jeremy from the British Embassy, who is concerned about the cultural impact of the destruction; history professor Simon Prioleau; General Scarpaccio, portrayed by Jayson, a teenager donning an oversized military uniform; and TOD-209, the only cyborg left on Earth and assistant to Dr. Farrah Braun. The series also introduces Axatrax, the leader of the alien troops held captive in the White House, and a journalist on wheels.
The Satirical Elements
Political and Pop Culture References
Mulligan incorporates numerous political and pop culture references throughout the series. From a planet unintentionally named after Cardi B to a “Shape of Water” inspired love story and the internet cake trend, the show cleverly inserts these references to add comedic value and social commentary.
Farrah and Axatrax’s Relationship
A notable aspect of the series is the relationship between Dr. Farrah Braun and Axatrax, the captive alien. Farrah, initially attracted to Axatrax, explores the concept of smart women being considered threats in the human world. Axatrax’s curiosity about the female menstrual cycle and his manipulation of emotions adds a humorous and satirical touch to their interactions.
Reception and Criticisms
While Mulligan had some promising moments, it failed to consistently deliver the expected comedic punch. The show incorporates political and pop culture references, a post-apocalyptic world, and eccentric characters, all essential ingredients for a successful satire comedy. However, it lacks the necessary punch and falls short of being truly memorable. Nat Faxon’s portrayal of Matty Mulligan effectively captures the character’s annoying traits, while Daniel Radcliffe shines as King Jeremy and Tina Fey impresses as Dr. Farrah Braun. Overall, Mulligan is an average watch that may improve with another season.
Netflix’s Mulligan offers a satirical comedy series set in a post-apocalyptic world. While the premise is intriguing, the show falls short in delivering consistent humor. The plot revolves around the bumbling President Matty Mulligan and his struggles to fulfill his promises to the public. The series incorporates political and pop culture references, explores relationships, and introduces a diverse range of characters. Despite its potential, Mulligan lacks the necessary comedic punch to make it truly memorable. Nonetheless, it remains an average watch that may appeal to fans of satirical comedy.